
Personalized Training with FluidPower.

Our personalized approach to exercise and wellness coaching, combined with more than 18 years of professional coaching experience sets us apart from conventional training and provides you with the individualized attention you need. At Fluidpower we have just one purpose; to help you succeed. Together we create a vision for where you want to be, then develop specific plans to get you there while learning indispensable skills along the way.


Fluidpower Kelowna offers a range of personal training services including 1 on 1 coaching, small group classes (ELDOA, yoga, and abdominal classes), corporate services, orthopaedic assessments, and metabolic nutrition all designed to nurture your overall health and wellness.

1-on-1 Coaching

Our personalized approach to exercise and wellness coaching, combined with more than 18 years of professional coaching experience set us apart from conventional training. Our purpose is to help you understand your personal health needs and realize your individual goals. We begin with a private and complementary consultation to understand your goals, then provide a thorough assessment to target your physical needs. We build a personalized action plan, implementing exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle balance, then refine our plan to suit your needs as you learn and grow.

Small Group Classes

There are 3 types of classes to choose from; ELDOA, Yoga, and abdominals. Contact Mike in advance to set up a time for a private class for a group or an individual.


ELDOA is an exercise that utilizes specific postures to stretch and strengthen the body at the same time. ELDOA can be used to normalize disc bulges, reduce scoliosis, increase flexibility, improve muscle performance and tone, reduce disc degeneration, improve posture, and so much more.


Rediscover the loveliness of ordinary movement. Our yoga classes are designed to build greater awareness of the body, mind, and spirit while lengthening and toning the muscular system. Experience a meditation in motion, with a creative sequence that cleanses and revives the tissues while awakening the multidimensional senses.


Core strength is essential to the overall health. We begin with a thorough warm-up, then move through a variety of strengthening exercises for the abdominal wall, and finish off with a cool down.

Small Group Class Preparation:

Wear comfy clothing that moves with you, natural fibres if possible. Put your hair back so it doesn’t distract you and get in your eyes. Don’t eat a meal more than 3 hours before class. It is ok to have a light snack such as fruit before class if you wish. Bring a water bottle, mat and towel into class. If you have any special needs or injuries please let me know so we may work with them. Please arrive early to change your clothes, arrange your mat and get settled. Lastly enjoy, knowing that you are doing something positive for your body, mind and soul.

Corporate Services

A healthy workplace is a productive workplace. Support health and wellness in your office with a corporate wellness program from Fluidpower. We offer monthly onsite educational lunch and learns on a variety of topics, as well as team building exercise programs. Topics may include:

  • Spine alignment and posture
  • Metabolic nutrition
  • Lifestyle/ stress management
  • Benefits and differences in strength training for men and women

Orthopaedic Assessments

A program can only be as good as the assessment that is performed. Our orthopaedic assessments meet the gold standard in the training industry world wide. See how balanced your body is and how susceptible to injury you are. Any issues we find, we put a plan in place to work with them.

“If you're not assessing, you're guessing.” Paul Chek

Metabolic Nutrition

To truly understand nutrition is to understand our environment and our biochemical individuality. Discover your unique metabolic fingerprint, and how to use whole foods to maximize your metabolism and improve your overall health.

“Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates

Enhance your life with FluidPower.

Fluidpower defines wellness as a state in which a human being functions at an optimal level of integration between the elements of body, mind and spirit. The well individual is one who is happy, healthy and whole, and perceives his/her life as one with meaning and purpose.
