
What is Articular Pumping?

Osteo-Articular Joint Pumping is a painless soft-tissue technique developed by world renowned osteopath Dr. Guy Voyer. There are many different pumping techniques, each designed to target specific areas of the body. Pumping may be the best technique for addressing both acute and chronic inflammation in the lower limbs (hip, knee, ankle, foot), in addition to the spine and pelvis, and improving overall joint function and health.

Why Articular Pumping is Important

Pumping addresses the movement of synovial fluid and water in the collagen tubes of ligaments, tendons, bursae, and lymph. This fluid flow is fundamentally important to the overall health of our fascia, the thin fibrous connective tissue that surrounds and supports our organs, blood vessels, bones, nerve fibers and muscles. Healthy fascia is smooth, slippery, and flexible. By nurturing fluid flow, pumping helps promote the healing process by reducing inflammation and improving joint function and range of motion. Simply put, pumping of the joints is like taking your car in to lubricate all the joints to keep it running smoothly and preventing mechanical breakdowns from excess compression and friction.

Somatherapy Services

As the only Somatherapist active in the Okanagan, I’ve been working with NHL and elite athletes, and men and women who want the best out of a healthier lifestyle. To learn more about how joint pumping can help you, contact Michael Christy for an assessment and recommended treatment plan. My customized treatment plans are designed to promote rehabilitation and prevent further health issues from arising.
